14-15 Dec 2017 06300 Nice (France)

Nice Nonlinearities Conference in Nice



Thank you to all for your participation 

Lieu: Hotel Le "Saint-Paul", 14 et 15 décembre 2017

29 Boulevard Franck Pilatte, 06300 Nice.

Hotel Telephone: 04 93 89 39 57 


From Nice Airport to the hotel you can take a  taxi. 

contact personn: Magali.dusaucy@inphyni.cnrs.fr  04-92-07-67-77 


The spirit of geometry was the guideline of the work of Pierre Coullet who was one of the pioneers of chaos theory in the 1980's. After studying the mathematics of time and of space, Pierre Coullet has extended his geometric vision
by proposing an original approach to describe  topological defects turbulence and the creation of  optical vortices.
His  approach to different field of physics: chaos theory, dynamical systems, optics, hydrodynamics, condensed matter and liquid crystal has inspired and federated a rich community of non-linear physicists in France, Europe and America. For his  scientific work. he received the Silver Medal of the CNRS in 1993 and the  Holweck prize in 2001. These two nonlinear days in his honour will be an opportunity to bring together researchers of various domains  and to discuss the major challenges of  tomorrow's nonlinear physics.

The topics  that will be discussed during  this conference are  morphogenesis, supernovae, instabilities, ablation fronts, turbulence, optics, growth,  ….NicePicture

This conference thanks the financial support of Université de la Côte d'Azur, le laboratoire INPHYNI, la fédération Doeblin, le CNRS et l'Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis.

The organizing commitee is composed of Médéric Argentina, Thomas Frisch, Guillaume Huyet and Magali Dusaucy.



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